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Deoxyribonucleic Adventure

You, the great wizard Deoxy are tasked to retrieve as many lost strands of DNA as possible. The only problem: the monsters in the catacombs are tough! You might need to steal some DNA on the side to help with this one... just don't tell the quest master!

Fight strange blob monsters and retrieve as many DNA strands as you can! Combine with DNA strands to modify your own DNA. It's science! Wait, but you're a wizard... it's sci-fi fantasy!


The game supports keyboard, mouse and gamepad inputs. You may also customise the controls from the Inputs tab in the standalone clients.

Action Default input Alternative input
Horizontal movement + menu item selection A and D keys
  • Left and Right arrow keys
  • X-axis on joystick
Vertical movement W and S keys
  • Up and Down arrow keys
  • Y-axis on joystick
Button 1 (for Blast spell, and Collect DNA) O key
  • Z key
  • Left mouse click
  • X button on an Xbox 360 Controller
Button 2 (for Orb spell, Combine DNA, and Confirm in menus) P key
  • X key
  • Right mouse click
  • A button on an Xbox 360 Controller
Toggle pause menu Escape key
  • Start button on an Xbox 360 Controller


This game was made as a part of the Shenanijam 2019 over 48 hours using the theme "DNA Chaos". The following people had a part in creating it:

Deoxyribonucleic Adventure is a Really Dangerous game.


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Great game! I really enjoyed playing this and the music created a wonderful atmosphere in the game. I did collect quite a few dna strands the second time I played through it, the first time I was just running around finding nothing hahah. Overall a very fun game to play :D

I don't know if you've heard of Game Development World Championship before (gdwc2019) but it's a competition for indie game developers where they can submit their games and it's free! It's great if you want some more visibility for the game and it only takes a couple of minutes to join :)